The Golden Jubilee anniversary of the Prior General was marked in the Monastery of Santa María de la Vid, in the province of Burgos, Spain, on the 24th June
It has been 50 years since his simple profession. A whole life dedicated to the Lord, and to the Order. A long life journey in the discharge of his vocation, full of experiences, moments of joy, happiness and hard work, with the single aim of building the Kingdom of God.
In a celebratory atmosphere, surrounded by his companions, Fr. Alejandro referred in his homily to those twelve Augustinians who, like him, were also once more echoing their first resounding "Yes" to the Lord. "Some of you were professed 25 years ago, others are celebrating 50 years since your first profession, and others were ordained priests on this date. But everyone here, not just those of us marking an event, have been called to a vocation, and we all have a mission to carry out".
Shattering the deafness
Fr Alejandro recalled the words of St Augustine, who described the call of Jesus "shattering his deafness". "God calls us because he loves us and because he loves the people to whom he has sent us".
"The event that some of us celebrate today is our vocation, which is the purpose and point that gives meaning to our lives. He who lives without knowing his own vocation is living without a clear identity," Fr Alejandro pointed out. "God has a plan for each of us, and discovering God’s love is part of human existence. Once we have found this pearl, we do not want to lose it, and everything else follows. That is why we promise obedience to Eternal Love; poverty, to give to others the richness of God, like Jesus who gave himself up to dying on the cross; and chastity, to share this Love with the world, in a spirit of fraternity."
We pray to the Lord," continued the Prior General, "for each one of us celebrating here today, and for the enduring treasure of our vocation; we pray for those who made their profession or were ordained by our side and, having fought the good fight, have departed this world in the hope of seeing the ever ancient and ever new Beauty which made them for itself and wanted them for itself … We give thanks to God because he enhanced our giving of our imperfect selves, with the gifts of perseverance and fidelity."
After the liturgy was concluded, the friars and their guests were able to relax over drinks and food in the convivial atmosphere of the dining room of the Monastery of La Vid.